‘Fryderyk Chopin’sPortrait ’, Luigi Isler
1842, agate cameo ‘ISLER’, 
Fryderyk Chopin Muzeum at Fryderyk Chopin
National Institute [M/31], 
photo - Waldemar Kielichowski



of the 7th International Subcarpathian 
Chopin Piano Competition 

 Regulations and Programme

The Competition is organized by the Wojciech Kilar Music School Complex No. 2 in Rzeszów and the “All for Music” Association.

  1. The Competition will take place on 20th to 22nd March 2025 in the school auditorium at 15 Sobieskiego street in Rzeszów, Poland.
  1. The purpose of the competition is to make Chopin’s music more popular, as well as:
    - promote talents and provide them with an opportunity to present their skills on an international forum
    - compare their performance levels, as well as share experience between their pedagogues
    - establish new international contacts between piano students and their teachers
    - make students more aware and interested in Chopin’s music, especially in the dances
  1. The Competition is open to pianists of any nationality – students of public music schools of primary and secondary level as well as the ones learning individually. No students at college or university level are allowed.
  1. The competition will be held in four age categories:
    1st category             – age up to 12  – participants born on March 20th, 2013 and younger,
    2nd category           – age up to 14   – participants born on March 20th, 2011 and younger,
    3rd category            – age up to 17   – participants born on March 20th, 2010 and younger,
    4th category            – age up to 21   – participants born on March 20th, 2004 and younger,
  1. Competitors can apply for one category only. Competitors may apply for a superior age category, provided that the pieces required in that category are performed.
  1. For all the groups, the competition has only one stage.
  1. The participants are obliged to prepare performance of pieces chosen from the programme given by the organizers on the basis of an original edition of Fryderyk Chopin’s works.
  1. All the pieces must be performed from memory.
  1. The obligatory enrolment fee is 45 Euro (or 190 Polish zloty). Participants from Poland are exempt from this fee. It should be paid to the following bank account:
    Stowarzyszenie Wszystko dla Muzyki
    Bank: mBank
    Account No: PL25 1140 2004 0000 3102 8445 4401
    with an inscription: "CHOPIN PIANO COMPETITION"

  2. Each application should be submitted with the application form available at the competition webside www.pianocompetition.rzeszow.pl .
    The APPLICATION FORM should be accompanied by:
          a) A copy of the proof of the enrolment fee payment
          b) The participant’s photo, to be published in the competition booklet. Minimal resolution: 300 dpi (3.5 x 4.5 cm), (410 x 530 pixels). The file size must not be larger than 3 MB. Allowed file types: jpg, pdf.
  1. The deadline for sending the application forms has been postponed till 20th January 2025.
  2. The order of the participants will be finalized when the list of submissions is closed. Particular information about the list of the candidates and the schedule of the auditions and rehearsals will be posted on the competition website, at pianocompetition.rzeszow.pl
  3. All the costs concerning the participation in the competition, e.g. travel, accommodation and meals, are to be covered by the participants themselves. The participants should book accommodation on their own.
  4. The cost of the fee transfer is to be paid by the participants themselves.
  5. The enrolment fee is not refundable.
  6. The Jury will consist of renowned artists and pedagogues. The Chairman of the Jury will be Professor Andrzej Jasiński of the Academy of Music in Katowice (Poland).
  7. The Jury’s decisions will be final.
  8. The Jury will assess the performances according to the scale of 1 to 25 points.
  9. In each of the categories, the Jury selects the winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and awards honourable mentions. The Jury's score calculated as the arithmetic mean of individual jurors' scores determines awarding the prizes. The participant who receives a minimum of 21 points may become a laureate.
  10. Attractive rewards will be provided for the winners of the first three prizes in each group.
  11. The students of music schools in Poland who become laureates will obtain the rights specified in Article 44zh of the Education System Act of 07 Sept. 2001, Article 132 of the Education Law Act of 14 Dec. 2016, or in the regulations issued on the basis of Article 162 of this Act.      
  12. The jury has the right not to select the winners of the prizes referred to in Point 20 or to award the joint prizes (ex-aequo).
  13. The jury may award honourable mentions to any number of the contestants and their teachers.
  14. Only the Jury is entitled to decide about the awards and honours.
  15. When the Competition prize-winners are announced, a meeting of the participants and the members of the Jury will be organized. The Jury Members will have an opportunity to share their thoughts about the Competition performances with the participants and their pedagogues and give them individual consultations.
  16. Winners are required to attend the gala concert at the end of the contest. The program of the final concert will be chosen by the Jury.
  17. All the contest auditions, including the final concert, will be held in public and – if approved by the Organizing Committee – may be broadcasted by radio and television or recorded, filmed, photographed and distributed by authorized institutions with no gratification for the performers.
  18. Submission of the application form will mean acceptance of all the clauses contained in the Regulations of the Competition, without any possibility of appeal.
  19. Co-administrators of the personal data:
    a) the Wojciech Kilar Music School Complex No. 2 in Rzeszów, 15 Jana III Sobieskiego str., represented by the Director. Contact: phone +48 17 7482990, email: sekretariat@zsm2.resman.pl . Personal Data Protection Supervisor: Tomasz Bodziony is the administrator of all the personal data necessary for the preparation and conduct of this competition.
    b) the Centre for Artistic Education, 36/40 Mikołaja Kopernika str., 00-924 Warszawa, represented by the Director. Contact: phone. 224210621, email: sekretariat@cea.art.pl . Personal Data Protection Inspector: https://cea-art.pl/pracownicy-cea/ is the administrator of all the personal data necessary to implement the Competition Organizer’s tasks specified by law including the ones resulting from the contractor’s reporting.

The detailed information is available from the School Office:

Zespół Szkół Muzycznych nr 2 im. Wojciecha Kilara w Rzeszowie
e-mail: sekretariat@zsm2.resman.pl (Telephone: +48 17 748 29 90 Fax: +48 17 748 29 96)

For information in English, please call at +48 508 269 407


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